How did i slip you dog nonce im sick of your shit and so is alot of people on this page your nothing but a immature liggle boy I've seen your blue room im in the cunt don't really check out your members who apply who they haha I've seen everything you write on your bluesroom
You get a job you thieving scambot, and bluesroomuk doesn't exist, keep trying and il take this forum down, infact every post you make i will report it for selling drugs! 😁
Dirty grass informat below and how many more times i do not live at that address i don't live in the north east don't even know were Houghton let springs at
Alreet mate Av been told to contact you My vendors I used off here don't trade no more. I was member on blues room And was told to contact you About new forum My name was Richy79 on bluesroom
Just need new vendor as I'm now stuck as everyone on here just bitches on so I ain't trusting no one