Anyone got any pregabalin
(too old to reply)
2019-05-08 10:25:00 UTC
Looking for sum pregabs, cash waiting
2019-05-08 10:43:06 UTC
My email is geestarr99 @ gmail . com
2019-05-08 13:21:08 UTC
Needing sum pregabs plz any1
2019-05-08 14:54:15 UTC
2019-05-08 15:30:08 UTC
He not got till next week
2019-05-09 11:02:23 UTC
Mate have just messaged a friend if he has, I’m not vending them and seriously can’t make any promises, just trying for you. All ok sound in a bad way mate, don’t know what they do/coming off is like etc. Like I said no promises may come to nothing. I’ll try bro.

2019-05-09 11:17:24 UTC
Sorry pal only Gabapentin which I understand are dirty hope you get sorted.

2019-05-09 12:17:47 UTC
Thanks for trying it worse than benzo withdrawal, whole body is on fire , don’t wish this on my worst enemy
2019-05-09 12:32:20 UTC
GP not an option?
2019-05-09 13:55:34 UTC
Nah mate ! Don’t mean to sound like a dick, but coming off pregabs is nothing like benzo withdrawal! Pregabalin all u do is reduce ur dose daily over a week and that’s it! It’s in ur mind mate! If u really need get them Gabapentin, there same class just pregabalin is stronger! U cud take them till u get pregabs! Same medication but pregabalin is the new stronger version! Stay safe folks
2019-05-09 13:57:44 UTC
Il sell u a strip for £30 just cause pregabs are dry just nw cause government rescheduled it in April !
2019-05-09 14:26:52 UTC
Your funny you pal taking advantage of someone's I'll health I seem to remember you offering someone £25 buck for 5 strips and you wanna sell him a strip for £30 behave cammi
2019-05-09 14:58:59 UTC
Ill health
Predictive text my arse
Cammi that's so wrong pal taking advantage
2019-05-09 14:59:21 UTC
Done both pregabs the worst my friend and it’s not in my head , pregabs work on the gabber receptors just like Benzodiazepines, my nerve endings are like a gun going off
2019-05-09 15:05:00 UTC
Cammi doesn't know shit pal trying sell you a strip for £30 he offered £25 for 3 strips the other day
2019-05-09 15:15:55 UTC
Jesus Christ they’re a bit dry I’ll sell you a strip for £30 to a guy that’s clearly suffering. You’re a sound lad eh, shameful.

2019-05-09 15:20:04 UTC
Yeah cause no one has pregabs at the moment that’s why I’m selling for that price! I know no one will buy! but I don’t want to sell them anyway that’s why!! as the government rescheduled it on 1st April! Have a look! And pregab withdrawal is fuck all compared to benzo withdrawal! It didn’t even used to be scheduled! Like I said u drop ur dose over a week and be depressed for a week and ur good! While ur depressed take soma or sumin! Also Amitriptyline can help too, buy them on online uk pharmacy’s!! Just trying to help! Ur withdrawal sounds more like a benzo and pregab withdrawals!!
2019-05-09 15:54:27 UTC
For a dry product. Let’s say u were to buy 1 300mg tab on street ur looking at 4-5£ so a strip has 14 tabs so basically ur getting them for £2 a pop ! That’s not that bad Rev!
2019-05-09 16:29:52 UTC
If not in my head cammi , done benzo withdrawal many time, pregabs work in the gaba receptors aswelll , feels like some1 is shotting a gun into my nerves anxiety is off the scale 2 , feel like killing my self , fucked up , thanks guys for trying 2 help. ,
2019-05-09 16:37:24 UTC
Cammi you offered someone £5 pound a strip of 14 and you want £30 pounds you fuckin tight bastard 2 faced Fucker taking advantage of a poor man's health.
I hope the person you bought them off is reading this and never sells them to you again
2019-05-09 16:37:19 UTC
That’s fine, I just come from what a person in a seemingly awful position needs rather than what I can charge. I don’t vend so just differing views, the reason they’re taken i.e off label anxiety or for neuropathic pain, fibro etc will impact the withdrawal symptoms.

Just sounded sharp to offer some relief to someone at a hiked price, but if you/others think that a reasonable price, not really my area. Hope the lad gets the help he needs.

2019-05-09 16:52:13 UTC
U think I am making it up cammi , pregabs work on the gaba receptors so similar 2 benzos u try it !! Don’t talk to me like a little child boy , feels like some1 is shotting bullets into my nerves
2019-05-09 16:53:55 UTC
Y did they get moved 2 a controlled drug eh cammi boy
2019-05-09 18:07:45 UTC
Where the fuck u getting 5£ a strip! Read it! It’s says on the street u cud sell a 300mg tab for £5! I offered u 14 for £30 that’s £2 a pop! Not bad wen ther dry! Why u think I’m just gona give them away ! U prob don’t hsve any money! Ur prob just putting on the pitty act so people feel sorry! Well I say u shud of known U we’re going to run out so u shud of detoxed slow likd I told u! Don’t just stiop and I’m not here for an argument for fuck sake! !!!!! Trust me detox over a week and pregab withdrawals will stop ! Tellin u benzo withdrawal is far worse cause it last longer! They rescheduled pregab in April cause people were abusing them! Fuck me u used to be able to buy them on online pharmacy’s! I think u shud take a valley and man up a bit!
2019-05-09 18:24:55 UTC
When it comes to any form of benzo or pregabs. Never let yourself get to the stage where you’ve nothing left. I always buy 10 boxes of Bensedin and when I’m down to my last 5 boxes, reorder another 10. That’s just my two pence.
2019-05-09 18:45:16 UTC
Cammi I know the lad who sold you the pg's infact I've known him all my life I grew up with him. He's an absolute decent bloke a family man 100% dedicated to his family who cares for his kids and his poorly wife. His wife got prescribed two boxes instead of one. His wife came to the decision to sell one to someone who'd really need them like her and she could use the money to buy something else that she could really do with Dan w didn't want to he wanted to save them just incase but what a woman says you do basically he sold them to you for £1 each he sold you a box of 56 for £50 with £7 delivery I won't be happy that I've revealed this but considering the circumstances I think if he reads this he's going to be really pissed off he's gonna be really sorry for the other guy
2019-05-09 19:31:59 UTC
Listen mate, I really dont give a flying fuck who u know I bought it from ! Cudnt give a flying toss cause they advertised it, I bought it deal is done ! That’s how buying stuff like that is mate! Wat u stupid ! Once deals done i can do wat the fuck I want with them! There my property. See I was clever enough to get a box cause I knew they were re classifying in April! It’s dry just nw but it will pick back up! And totally agree with the guy above u , always have extra for this kind off thing thing and if u know ur going to run out start reducing the dose but like he says always buy well before u run out! But u lean that the hard way! I have learned the hard way few times but tellin u , u learn by ur mistakes!
2019-05-10 04:19:02 UTC
Your a little tosser juicehead motherfucker knobhead giving it the big I don't give a fuck your a scummy little twat you pal a fuckin scamming cunt fuck you gay boy cock sucker you tight bastard
2019-05-10 05:20:53 UTC
Respect to u Rev and thanks to everyone 4 trying 2 help restored some faith in the human race
2019-05-10 10:48:43 UTC
When I buy benzoes I take them all in 2 to 3 days and then order again at the end of the munth that way I hav a 3 and a half week brake and that way I don’t get addicted . But that’s how I personally do it . And no everyone carnt just stick to doing it 2 or 3 days a munth but every one to thare own I gues
2019-05-10 17:06:29 UTC
Exactly , each to their own! Self inflicteded illness don’t come cryin to a forum probably wanting a hand out! I know for a fact the withdrawal he’s going threw is benzo and pregabs plus probably other stuff aswell! Fact of the matter I’m not a bad guy I just can’t stand people coming crying to a forum giving us all info on his withdrawal wen u shud of made sure u had extra especially if ur addicted! Well u learn from u mistakes!
2019-05-10 17:08:31 UTC
Anyway pregab is not dry anymore I have an order coming next week!!
2019-05-10 17:31:57 UTC
I don’t get these pregabalin, I get their medical purpose but why would you take them instead of or fuck me aswell as vals, you can only uptake so much dopa and activate gaba. Seems an horrendous mix to me I’ve as they say I’ve been around since Topix but this combo seems like sticking a fucking screwdriver in your ear.

Stay sound it’s fkn Friday 😎

2019-05-10 17:57:50 UTC
Yeah mate, I agreee it seems like a strange one! I was sceptical about it till a mate said! So I thought fuck it il try it ! 600mg pregabs with no tolerance will get u fucked! Once Uve got a bit of tolerance 600mg pregabs with couple benzoz is amazing and I mean amazing! What they do is potentiate each other makes them feel stronger! Also weed with pregabs is amazing combo too, but it’s not something u do everyday !! Pregabs are slightly addictive if taken every day but a detox over a week is fine, nothing like a benzo withdrawal! That’s why I’m saying he is obviously been taking more than just pregabalin! If he has an addiction then he needs to make sure he has spare for this type of thing instead of cold turkey!
2019-05-10 18:54:49 UTC
Reverend Al Sharpton can you get bensedin
Dan w
2019-05-10 19:23:40 UTC
Leaving your email address would be a good idea
2019-05-11 07:26:50 UTC
Not crying for a handout cammi got money friend , why be so nasty I was only looking for help not a lecture frm my mum, be nice we not on this earth long enough and I got sorted frm some1 who was a decent person at a normal price, who made u God , u arrogant fuck, we not all money hungry idiots. Have sum compassion stuck up knob thank you again to rev and thank you again to the people With a heart who helped.
Dan w
2019-05-11 07:41:57 UTC
Glad you got sorted fella I had one strip of seven that was yours.if you didn't get any they were getting sent your way mate I know it's only seven but if they would of helped. you know the one. I've got your email address anyways fella. Dan w
2019-05-11 08:55:54 UTC
Thanks dan ur a good man
2019-05-11 11:31:03 UTC
Post by g***@gmail.com
Thanks dan ur a good man
Mate dan is a good lad . But I no cammi also struggled himself to get the pregabs and for him to sel his he may have struggled again to get his next lot . So I think he was been fair to even offer . Not that I’m taking sides pal stating the obvious as cami is not a vendor and for him to send u them for what he paid for them would of been pointless as he wouldn’t hav maid owt and may have struggled to get some more . But I no when going threw withdrawals feelings are high as iv been thare my self
2019-05-11 12:39:37 UTC
Cheers ms, that’s why I offered 14 for £30! I’m not looking for a fight cause wats the point I was just putting my point forward as has everyone else. And yeah dan w is a top lad! Stay safe people! Have good weekend! Anyway I’m happy u got sorted mate!!!
2019-05-10 18:53:13 UTC
Email me bro looking for bensedin